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Ovidiu Eremi
Alina Laura Agapie
Marinel Nicolae Horablaga
Bogdan Alexandru Flutur
Nichita Negruseri
Ioan Catalin Enea
Busuioc Vacariu
Florin Sala


The study analyzed a collection of 20 corn hybrids based on the hectoliter weight of the grains. The hybrids were tested in culture within ARDS Lovrin, in the 2023-2024 agricultural year. The biological material came from ARDS Suceava. In the case of the experiment, the hybrids were marked SV1 to SV20. The experimental variants, given by corn hybrids, were cultivated in repetitions. Adequate crop technology was provided to ensure uniform conditions for corn hybrids. Seed samples were taken from each hybrid, on repetitions for analysis. The values ​​of the HW parameter varied between HW = 71.55±0.68 kg hl-1 (SV2) and HW = 83.70±0.68 kg hl-1 (SV7, SV18). The series of experimental data showed normal distribution, with r = 0.976. Anova Test confirmed the safety of the data and the presence of variance in the data set (p = 0.000662; F > Fcrit). The mean value calculated at the level of the experiment was HW_m = 77.448 kg hl-1. Compared to the mean value, 11 hybrids showed values ​​above the average, and nine hybrids showed values ​​below the mean. Values ​​above the mean were presented by hybrids SV7, SV15 and SV18 (p<0.001), and hybrid SV13 (p<0.05). Values ​​below the mean were presented by SV2, SV12, and SV19 hybrids (p<0.001), SV6 hybrid (p<0.01), and SV1 and SV10 hybrids (p<0.05). The cluster analysis led to the grouping of hybrids based on similarity (Coph.corr. = 0.833). In relation to the thresholds of the quartiles, the hybrids SV2, SV19, SV12, SV6, SV10 were included in quartile 1. The SV1, SV5, SV16, SV14, SV11, SV8, SV20, SV9, SV17, SV3 hybrids were included in the 2nd and 3rd quartiles. In the 4th quartile were the hybrids SV4, SV13, SV15, SV7, SV18.

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