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Alina Laura AGAPIE
Cristian BOSTAN
Nicolae Marinel HORABLAGA


Wheat quality is a complex notion that involves more analysis parameters and the study of a large number of factors that act implicitly to determine it. Besides the genetic factor, mineral nutrition plays an important role in increasing the quality of the crops. Sulfur is an important element in plant nutrition, its absence causing similar damage to nitrogen deficiency. The experience was located at ARDS Lovrin, on a  semicarbonatic chernozem, weakly-gleizated and weakly-alkalinised. The mobile P content in soil is 75.7 ppm, of mobile K is 205 ppm and the humus content is 3.47%. Four different agrofunds were studied, with the following graduations of experimental factors: N50, N50S20, N100 and N100S20. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of chemical sulfur fertilizers to increase the quality of wheat production. The analyzed parameters were: the percentage of protein, gluten, gliadin, glutenin and the accumulation of protein subunits with high and low molecular weight. Applying a dose of 20 kg/ha sulfur fertilizer active substance brings significant and very significant increases in the percentage of protein (2.8%) and gluten (6.5%), depending on the level of nitrogen fertilization used. The value of gluten proteins, gliadin and glutenin, expressed in g / 100 g flour, increases significantly when applying sulfur fertilizers. In conclusion, sulfur fertilizers, on the background of an adequate supply with nitrogen, help to achieve a balanced protein and gluten content and has a direct positive influence on gluten proteins content.

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